Tips for new foreman

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Re: Tips for new foreman

The problem with the HoleHawg is that it doesn't have a clutch.It has wacked me too, two many times in the face. Unexpected nails.
I don't reccomend tools but I will point out that the DeWalt #DW124K DOES have a clutch in the low speed setting, set @ 70 ft/lb of torque.
As for the pink tape issue, all the other colors except purple have other uses. I just think it would be a good idea to have a standard means of identifying the line wires in each box.
Re: Tips for new foreman

As a foreman you are responsible for getting the job done- 1. In a timely matter 2.Within Budget

Your job is not to train people. It is up to them to learn and apply themselves. If you take this burden on your shoulders, you will end up with an ulser. If they do not want to apply themselves- Can them.

I would however encourage you to sit around at lunch with the guys and ask if anyone has any question about what you are doing that day and explain, If they don't want to learn, too bad!
Re: Tips for new foreman

If you will go back to the original question, you will find that the work was done fast -- in 5 + 2 days -- but then it took two more days to troubleshoot the mess.
In this case, it IS the foreman's job to do some trainging, coaching, teaching -- whatever you want to call it. Did you ever have any on the job training when you learned this field? Electricians get old, retire, die or get kicked upstairs everyday and new blood has to replace them. They have to come from somewhere. Perhaps get out of the trailer, strap on your overloaded toolbags and work alongside of the new recruits. They might pick up some lessons by your example.
If some mistake keeps getting repeated, track down the culprit, take him aside and show him how you would handle it.
The goal is to eliminate punch lists, failed inspections and call backs. Speed doesn't matter if you have to spend two days trouble-shooting.
Re: Tips for new foreman

I agree with alot of your points. However it is hard to train someone when all they are worried about it collecting a pay check and whether or not it's 3:30 yet.
Re: Tips for new foreman

I was trained by a red *** . He would scream and yell at me all day. I hated working with him EVERDAY, but if it wasnt for him then i wouldnt be as good as i am today. I am fast, neat, and have less mistakes then my fellow employees. I just switched jobs about 2 yrs ago and the place i work at now is like disney land. They let the guys get away with murder. My old boss used to have these sayings that stick in my head everyday, such as K.I.S.S. (keep it simple stupid) PERFECTION NOT CURRENTION,O.H.I.O. (only hit it once) and his biggest one is FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS. So to make long story short, I believe the best way is to ride there *** until it is branded in there head what is expected , then they wont even have to think next time they come to a receptacle, switch, gfi, etc. and they know without thinking what needs to be done.
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