Yes, you do need to know the rating of the protective device. But you can't calculate earth loop impedance like that.You need to know the protective device rating and the earth loop resistance. Say the rating of your protective device is 100 A. The earth loop resistance should be less than 220/100=2.2 ohms.
If, for example, it was 2.19 ohms, a 100A protective device would take hours to operate. If at all.
In the UK and, I suppose the EU since we are supposed to be harmonised, the maximum operating tome for a 100A protection device on a 230/220V system is 0.4 seconds. To get the protection device to operate in that time requires some multiples of its rated operational current. About 15 times for a BS88 fuse and around 10 times for a C-curve BS EN 60898 breaker or 61009 RCBO. So, we're looking at a fraction of an ohm.
The actual requirements in the regs 0.05 ohms for a 100A breaker.
I don't know where the OP is from but 220V and the term "earthing" sounds like EU land or one of the ex-British colonies where British standards might apply.
I'm done.