To Support or Not To Support...

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Everything passed.

What did you decide in regards to the thermal expansion requirements of 352.44?


To be honest, nothing. I thought of it the time the design install was changed. Very rarely have I run conduit outside equal to this kind of length nor do I see much call in this area for expansion fittings, so I just proceeded on. Never truly a good excuse for not doing something the required way, but sometimes you are a product of your environment and "upbringing" and just work on doing it better the next time. :roll: Did I mention it passed, so it must be ok.
Just want to say, nice work. I like people who post pictures, particularly when they've got a dilemma or real nice work, or really poor/dangerous installs(that they didn't do, of course).
Just want to say, nice work. I like people who post pictures, particularly when they've got a dilemma or real nice work, or really poor/dangerous installs(that they didn't do, of course).

Thanks. I like pics because they can desribe the situation a lot better than words. (Some might even say better than 1,00 words :smile:) Becareful if you post pics to these jackyls, tho. ;):grin:
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