today at work

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my SOP i useally run the ohmmeter real quick on 120v circuits but on 240 volts and above automatcially megger it and all 3? circuits so it will avoid my suprise on me i have one breaker blew up on me on arc falut after that i got wise check everything and i did save one copy i printed from other forum and it did save my neck more than few time and also i show the copy to one guy he claim that megger is waste of time i say no i must megger it and sure engouh i found a bad cable good thing i did not throw a 1200 amp breaker on that one.

600v and under megged to 1.5 Mohms @ 500V (motors and controllers,etc.)

wire and cable: tested for continuity and absence of short and grounds. (120V and less)

>600V power wiring meg to 1.5Mohms. all tests logged and signed off.

industrial commisioning for me. box to box, every tube with wires as they are landed before moving on. JFWIW
billsnuff said:
600v and under megged to 1.5 Mohms @ 500V (motors and controllers,etc.)

wire and cable: tested for continuity and absence of short and grounds. (120V and less)

>600V power wiring meg to 1.5Mohms. all tests logged and signed off.

industrial commisioning for me. box to box, every tube with wires as they are landed before moving on. JFWIW
i think if you have 1.5 megaohms on a piece of cable then something is horribly wrong. not sure if you ment equipment or cable
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