Too Old to Apprentice

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Hey ElToro;
Go for it!
I got my EC license in NJ when I was 49.

This was my 3rd business. The demands of the physical work is not as daunting as developing a deep customer list! Get your business going and hire some young guys!

Good luck to you brother. :)
knoppdude - I've seen quite a few here that are like you. Glad you weren't deterred. How did you get your first job? Did you have contacts or just find an EC or journeyman that took you in? Im most worried about being seen as too old a dog. :mad:

Short.circuit - Don't think I can work part time if I want my license in 4-5 years. Im likely to keep at this kinda work until my body says otherwise. In my previous line of work, I pretty much was on my feet but used a laptop and notebook as my tools. Not that I minded it and it was excellent pay. But, with no work out there and few data centers that need a PM, I would rather turn in my clipboard for a tool belt and become a do-er.

My main question is.... Would you hire me at 47 to work for you for 4-5 years before I can be a money-maker?

ElTorro, to answer your main question, if I were an EC looking to hire an apprentice, and you came to me with a good attitude, and in good physical condition, the answer is yes, I would hire you. As far as the making money part, I believe that if the EC uses his apprentice wisely, and takes the time to teach him, there is the possibility of the apprentice being an earner at an early stage. Just so you don't feel too old, I know of one apprentice who started in a local training program at the age of 60, and he is considered one of the best workers because of his work ethic. So, 47 is still plenty young to get into the trade. Things may be a bit tough now because of the economy, but check out every apprenticeship program, trade school, and junior college electrical program in your area. Talk with local contractors, some will talk with you, and some won't, but don,t quit. Stay in touch with this forum, and let us know how things are going; we want you to succeed.
get a back x-ray to make sure you are ok there. do back stretches and exercises. your work ethic will kick butt on the kiddies, for the most part.
I never heard of getting an x-ray to be certain everything is OK.

I would think if you don't have any symptoms of problem you don't need an x-ray.

Those gut muscles (I mean abdomen 6-pack muscles) are the things that keep you back from hurting.
well, I wish I had had one, since I found out I had a back problem I didn't know about, until a disc herniated. I had the regular back pain after a hard week, but didnt know I had a broken pars. Its doesn't necessarily cause extra pain, but one day, it can just let go, I found out. Chiros will x-ray ya for around 125 or so, if you want to just take a peek.
I just wanted to let everyone know I got accepted as an Apprentice with a local Commercial EC. I'm pretty stoked. I will let you know if all goes well.

Thanks all for your support!
I just wanted to let everyone know I got accepted as an Apprentice with a local Commercial EC. I'm pretty stoked. I will let you know if all goes well.

Thanks all for your support!
HOORAY! :grin: Lots to learn. Check in from time to time as you progress & especially if you have questions.
Now bear in mind, we won't answer homework but try to guide you.
Good luck.
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