Torque Wrench

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Re: Torque Wrench

in my infrared certification class they had a report from general motors corporation that explained and proved "re-toquing" creates more problems than it cures! for many years, they practiced a yearly "re-torquing" proceedure in their plants. they found that this was causing termination problems and also mis-alignment problems on contactors and disconnect switches. the study confirmed the fact that once a termination is made "properly" it should never be "re-torqued". the use of infrared thermograpgy should be used to confirm the proper termination of conductors-buses and bus ducts...
Re: Torque Wrench

I have no idea of how you can check the torque of a wire connection. If any real amount of time has elapsed since the original installation you will be able to turn the set screw with the torque wrench set at the original torque.
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