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Are you a contractor, utility or other?

Northeast Community College in Norfolk, NE has a program for training utility line people. I'm sure that they teach their students some of what you ask about. Don't know what training they offer outside of their regular program.

I would also suggest talking to manufacturers or distributors of products you intend to use. You will get more depth instruction in the product or product line you intend to use.

How many people you want trained is a factor in how easily you can get what training you want and how close to your location it may be available.

I am a master Electrician that works for a state facility,we have a new 13200 system. thier is 5 electricians that work here but none with 13200 splicing experience, so we are looking for some training.
You can also try the Con Edison Training Center in Long Island City, N.Y. If I remember correctly they train outside customers in addition to employees. Not sure of the cost.
I am a master Electrician that works for a state facility,we have a new 13200 system. thier is 5 electricians that work here but none with 13200 splicing experience, so we are looking for some training.

I understand you hesitance at trying this without some training, but you would be amazed at how easy it is and how simply the instructions are written, as though they are written for novices. Have you looked online at the splice instructions? Usually the hardest thing is ordering correctly and finding the right tools for the job. They can be terminated with a pocketknife, but don't skimp here, buy good tools. A set may run around $700, but are well worth it. Get some scrap EPR and XLPE wire to practice on. The EPR is great to terminate, but is a little higher in cost than the XLPE. (that means learn how to terminate the XLPE :lol:)

It is hardest to try to figure out what to order...

I would call you local utility, ask to speak to the operations manager, or call one of their underground contractors. Explain what is going on, and ask them to show you.
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