Transfer Equipment 700.5(C)

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Senior Member
Sure, military installation, contractor hired to "Replace" transfer switch, transfer switch was not replaced, new or reconditioned switch was used for parts. parts included circuit board and ribbon cable. It seems to me that the AHJ would be the deciding factor. According to 700.5(C) "shall not be permitted to be reconditioned". Now the contractor was hired to replace not repair, if they bought a new transfer it had a warranty but by pulling parts from a new transfer switch to put in an existing installed switch there is no warranty. If they bought a "reconditioned" transfer switch and pulled parts then we have transfer switch that was reconditioned with a transfer switch that was reconditioned. "The authority having jurisdiction for enforcement of the code has the responsibility for making interpretations of the rules, for deciding on the approval of equipment and materials, and for granting the special permission contemplated in a number of the rules."

It's the AHJ's job to enforce the code, and make sure everything is safe. But its not their job to enforce a contract, or to make sure the contractor does what they were hired to do.

There should have been a contract that clearly spelled out what the contractor was getting paid to do, and if they didn't do it, they don't get paid.


Electrical Systems Inspector
Electrical Systems Inspector
It's the AHJ's job to enforce the code, and make sure everything is safe. But its not their job to enforce a contract, or to make sure the contractor does what they were hired to do.

There should have been a contract that clearly spelled out what the contractor was getting paid to do, and if they didn't do it, they don't get paid.
That's why I included "enforcement" in my OP, I wasn't involved in the contract part, I inspect the lightning protection on the magazines on base, lightning hit a mass notification tower, I suspect it traveled over to a close by generator which probably has a driven electrode and came in through that to the transfer switch. I was asked to inspect the lightning protection on the building, there is none but told them they might want to get some for there building. I was informed that the transfer switch that is located in the building burnt up along with phone and gate controller. I was told a contractor replaced the transfer switch. When a piece of equipment is installed an asset sticker with bar code is put on said equipment. Long story short, the old asset sticker was still on the transfer switch telling me that the transfer switch was not replaced but repaired/reconditioned. The "stand-by power support technician" aka the guy the PM's the generators confirmed the transfer switch was not replaced.
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