If I only had a few pieces that truly needed 230V I wouldn't hesitate to go with a buck boost transformer(s). You could actually size a single buck boost transformer to feed a panel just for these few pieces of equipment.
Buck boost to a panel? I had not thought of that.
This of course assumes that the small existing 45KVA 208 xformer can handle it.
I have not done the math (LOAD CALC) but it seems very unlikely that it can.
See if I am going in the right direction please:
If my rough math is correct then that is 125 FLA at 208 from xformer secondary.
If I do as many manufacturers say and consider 20% additional needed for motor starting and heat that reduces 125A. or 125*0.8 = 100A for
all loads in the warehouse.
I am sure I need to connect at least three units with MOPDs at around 30A. So 3*30= 90A Ill take only 80% or 90*0.8 = 72 Amps estimated motorized equipment load. My math was based on the estimated current at 208 so If I step up voltage my current will also go up on the xformer. To much math at this time :happysad: I feel there is not enough capacity with that original system. Do you disagree?
I really do appreciate your input. I honestly had not considered your path till now.
My 2 choices are as I now see them:
Replace the 208/120 with larger and then step it up for the machines by buck boost at a panel or at each machine
Add new 240Volt xformer for machines and use the 208 volt system for receptacles and lighting.
I am stupid :slaphead: but unless I am missing something I still think the latter is just as good or better then the first option. Obviously, you had no way of knowing any details that I did not state prior. But with the 45KVA 208V system and ballpark loads now known to you, do you still feel that option 1 or some variant is best for any reason?