So my thoughts were to install a 80 kVA transformer with 2 possibly 325 amp loadcenters running off the one transformer, and then I could supply the 40-20 amp circuits Off of the two load centers and have room for growth as a plan on expanding.
Did you mean 225A load centers? As a single 225A 208Y/120V load center can support (42) 120V circuits with a load of 16A: 14 on each leg, and 14*16 = 224A.
As for transformer size, I believe standard sizes are 75 kVA and 112.5 kVA. So if you want future expansion room, or if it's actually possible for all 40 circuits to draw 16A at most, you'll need the 112.5 kVA. Otherwise, 39 * 16A * 120V = 74.88 kVA, so the 75 kVA transformer would work.
Lastly, is it actually possible for one of these 16A circuits to draw 16A continuously for more than 3 hours? Either by supplying multiple battery chargers, each of which takes over 3 hours at peak current to charge the battery (doubtful at this size battery, I would think), or because some sort of smart load manager is controlling which battery chargers are being powered to maintain a 16A draw continuously? (I didn't look at your spec sheet). If the 16A loads is continuous, they you'd need size the equipment supplying the transformer, and supplied by the transformer, with a 125% continuous load factor (e.g. the 225A load center could only 3 * 11 circuits, not 3 * 14).
Final comment: if there's a smart load manager controlling which battery chargers are getting powered, and the use case is to charge everything overnight, I would expect you could downsize the equipment quite a bit by spreading the load out over 8-12 hours. So if such a product exists, it could easily pay for itself.
Cheers, Wayne