What we have is that Transformer that is being fed via 120 208 wye from the utility.
the feed goes into an 800 amp 3 phase disconnect the neutrals from the feed a splice straight through do not land on anything as you can see from the pictures
then to the Transformer.
Inside the Transformer the XO is not hooked up and the neutrals are just floating in the cabinet safed off with tape .
coming out of the Transformer on the secondary side are all three ungrounded conductors traveling about 200 ft to feed some vfd to control some motors.
The grounds you see inside the 800 amp switch are bonded to the neutral inside the CT cabinet the only thing they land on inside the Transformer is a lug that's bolted to the case and the ground going out on the secondary side to the motors
Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk