Transite-PVC connection

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I am interested if anyone has any experience connecting new Sch 40 PVC conduit (4") to 4" Transite conduit. This is an underground installation for substation control wiring. The only ideas I have involve epoxy. Thanks for any thoughts you may have.
Re: Transite-PVC connection

I've never used any Transite conduit, but if they make a TA, I would put a TA on one pipe and screw a FA on to the TA before I glued on the schedule 40 PVC.
Re: Transite-PVC connection

Transite is abestos cement pipe, there are regulations on cutting it. If a PVC coupling would fit over it, I would use it, and then glue new pvc, and then encase the coupling in concrete.

there are plumbing couplings that would work, such as a fernco, which is rubber with hose clamps.
Just be carefull cutting it, the dust is hazardous.
Re: Transite-PVC connection

We used PVC coupling glued only on the PVC and slide it over the TC conduit. We had heat shrink tubing on one of the conduits and when in place it was 1 foot past the ends of the coupling. They have no UL listed product for this. This method gave a good strong connection.
Re: Transite-PVC connection

Originally posted by highkvoltage:
We used PVC coupling glued only on the PVC and slide it over the TC conduit. We had heat shrink tubing on one of the conduits and when in place it was 1 foot past the ends of the coupling. They have no UL listed product for this. This method gave a good strong connection.
Thanks, highkvoltage! This definitely follows the KISS rule!
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