I don't know what your POCO work schedule is that provides an opportunity to do this work during daylight hours. It also seems it may be questionable as to whether you have the experience required to take the test. So let me throw this out there - how about if you go to work for that guy you said you know does good work, and be his "service change" guy. A benefit to him and his customers is that there is never a wait for POCO to disconnect & reconnect; he will be providing a better service than his competition can. Meanwhile, if the local electric inspector needs other upgrades on the job because of the service change (every area is different, like adding smoke detectors, getting rid of old fuse boxes, etc.) his other forces can do that work while you're at your POCO job. And then once you have experience with him, that may qualify you to sit for the test in the future.
On a side note, I strongly suggest that if you do tell a POCO customer that they need work done, and you recommend your side employer, that you fully disclose that when you give them his business card. And still be prepared for a complaint to POCO when someone's bill is higher than represented even if it is the local electric inspector who required more work then originally represented or understood.