Here in the Garden State we have a saying that states "Call Before Your Dig" so a proper markout is done of all utilities before a machine or manual labor hits the dirt. The consequences of not calling can bring on big fines from the local utility companys if you happen to hit something.I have seen contractors, homeowners, or hired help get charged up to $20,000 dollars if they hit something and forgot that important call.We own trenching /digging equipment of all kinds to do the job so, it's not too bad dealing with the dirt/rocks/roots/granite/ bedrock and so forth. I have had the HO dig their own trenches in the past, and found that digging in a straight line seems to be a strange effort to them. This usually means we must straighten or adapt to what they have left us. Depending on the situation at hand we have a set fee for trenching after a thourough inspection has been done to a specific site.