Trivia question for shop.

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The jumper to the light needs to come from the top traveler instead of the bottom one

Edit: maybe not. I'd need to think about that more
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The jumper to the light needs to come from the top traveler instead of the bottom one

Edit: maybe not. I'd need to think about that more

I made a mistake when I drew the first post by showing a jumper on the bottom of the fourway
I corrected it in the second post. I would appreciate it if a moderator would remove my first post.

Oh, The upper line is the Hot from the panel, if I come off it the light would stay on all the time.

I think it will work the way I show it on the second post.
You you have to trace the flow carefully to see how it works.

Thanks :Ronald:)
Sorry, But I could not make heads or tails out of that drawing. Below is a drawing illustrating what I said
about the 4 way switch.As long as the Threeway is selecting between two conductors no matter the circuit as
long as the circuit works.
I reposted because of mistake on fourway switch.


James I my apology, You are absolutely right, back to the drawing board.

Thanks again:Ronald :)
That one is money, with both the feed and load jumping in on the same side of the 4-way. Either side, as long as it's the same side

You should post the image here. Good stuff, man.

Good morning James

Again thanks for the help, again sorry about ignoring you suggestion,I was just to sure of my self
didn't check that far into the circuit.

And thanks for taking the time to check that.

Have a great day:Ronald :)
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Good morning James

Again thanks for the help, again sorry about ignoring you suggestion,I was just to sure of my self
didn't check that far into the circuit.

And thanks for taking the time to check that.

Have a great day:Ronald :)
You're welcome, Ronald

And no need to apologize, that happens to everybody sometimes. I appreciate the effort you went through to get that drawing done up
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