trouble shooting

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So I was called ribs service call today to a tire service center. The ossue is that when they push the peddle on the tire machine thw phone rings. The building has no a harble ground system, none of the circuit have grounds nor do the feeders. Experiance tells me its a ground issue but I cannot figure this one out. Any ideas.
After you review the good book to grasp all the requirements of a commerical garage, sell them some service!

My guess is the whole place needs rewiring....

If you meggared all the circuits first you'd probably fine a few that are just toast! I'd also megger after you have that grounded wire in!

A green wire to be grounded for all branch circuits, GFCI's for the panels on all 120V, check the main panel and correct neutral to grounded and correct outward.

My guess is the phone wire is fastened to other conduits and is exposed to the enviroment and has developed a short due to chemical break down.

It sounds like the inrush of the tire changer motor is shorting or leaking to the frame and outward to the circuit line. If 120V you could check it with a GFCI, (extension plug or hard wired). The tire changer is not usually your problem in respects to it's internals...
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shrt in the tyre changer puts vltge back on cndut system and phone grnd making the bell rng
Probably too much pressure in the tire changer, back pressure in the conduit blowing debris against the bell and makes it sound like it's ringing.:D
That is presumptuous, how do you know if he/she isn't just a naturally bad speller.:jawdrop:

As for the technical merits of the question, it could be the result of an unpaid or disputed bill to the previous EC. :lol:

I am a fairly good speller but if I do not pay close attention to how I reply with my droid, I get garbage or something close to it. That was an unedited quick reply.
This kind of place probably has metal raceways that are permitted to be used as equipment grounding conductors. The grounding situation may not be as bad as you think. There may be an issue with the tire changer, and/or how the phones are installed. That said, all the tire changing equipment I have ever seen was totally air powered.
drive a ground rod outside and ground the phone circuit to that independant of the system ground and see if that helps solve the issue.I suppose you could just remove and phone grounds from the system ground to temporarily see if the issue goes away. then drive a separate ground.
drive a ground rod outside and ground the phone circuit to that independant of the system ground and see if that helps solve the issue.I suppose you could just remove and phone grounds from the system ground to temporarily see if the issue goes away. then drive a separate ground.

Temporarily remove the grounds, maybe. Drive a separate ground. NO. The systems must be bonded together. The reason we are required to provide a means for intersystem bonding. 250.94 Bonding for Other Systems
What is there to ground on a telephone system unless you are using a shielded cable? The surge protector installed where the phone service enters the building is only a place to bleed surges to ground, it does not actually ground a conductor of the phone service.

In the OP's case I am guessing he has a situation where there is AC voltage being induced on the phone line at a high enough level to make the phone ring. Doesn't the normal operation of the phone system put an AC voltage out on the line to cause the phone to ring?
So I was called ribs service call today to a tire service center. The ossue is that when they push the peddle on the tire machine thw phone rings. The building has no a harble ground system, none of the circuit have grounds nor do the feeders. Experiance tells me its a ground issue but I cannot figure this one out. Any ideas.

Actually the problem is a harsh environment that was wired "back in the day". Time to stop being cheap before someone gets hurt - renovate. Certainly at least for the garage area.
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