Troubleshooting Jobs

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Here is one for yourr light reading - names are A and B to protect the incompetent. Kinda like an internal VFD problem.

3 phase high speed motor drives for a space launch vehicle, drives powered the re-entry control surfaces. Kinda narrows down the companies, eh?
Made and designed by company A , 3 delivered and functioned fine, 2 space flight completed successfully.
4th and 5th units burned up on extensive thermal/vacuum/operational tests.

After 3rd unit, Company A bought by company B on east coast. Hot shot QC guys from B visit A and proclaim some wires are routed incorrectly, insist on changes for units 4 and on.
Units 4 and 5 fail.

Unit 4 wired up to 15 each Tek windows based 4 channel scopes, 2 weeks of looking at waveforms, at least 12 engineers involved. .

Hotshot reroute of wires added 5 nH to inductance (yes, nano, E-9) which resulted when PWM signals turned off motor drive FET the L*di/dt caused an internal current in IR2113 full bridge drivers to burn open an internal trace.

Fix was to change timing to avoid the di/dt. Note not nmentioned befroe was that company A had psent alot of time for the originalwire routing to avoid that scenario, but the company B 'hotshots' insisted and had authority to insist on change. Cost company B a few hundred K to find the problem and implement solution. NASA, company C vehicle contractor, and others involved.

Never have heard if the 'hotshots' got their next pay raise, hah.
Worst are failures that occur only on orbit, and can never be duplicated in a gravity well. All the best stories however are considered proprietary.
One such story was on some overhead bridge cranes where two 200ft. bridges could be locked together to become like one 400ft. bridge. The mechanism for doing that was a hydraulically driven set of large tapered steel pins that extended from the end of one bridge into sockets on the other. I was there to troubleshoot the PLCs and VFDs, but was pulled into a situation wherein the pin extension was not working. It had a small drive motor for the hydraulics that reversed to extend or retract the pins, no springs or valves. I forced the I/O on the PLC to make the motor turn on in both Fwd and Rev, which it did fine, but no action on the pins. Everyone was blaming the PLC even though I proved that it was working correctly. I then solved the problem in two minutes.

What did I do? All necessary info has been provided here.

Jogged one crane into better alignment with the other to allow pins to move?
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