back to square one, ok this thing is starting to drive me crazy.
replaced bad wire nut, left the last 2 light disconnected ( just to verify i had no problems with them) lights worked great for 3 days. so i stop by today to hook up the last to lights thinking i had the problem fixed, i turned on the lights they worked, turned them off, hooked up the last two lights & bam gfci tripped, so i disconnected the two lights i just hookup & gfci trips, so i go to the next box (working towards the gfci) disconnect all the wires in the box & the gfci still trips, go to the next same thing. finally i got the first light to go on and stay on without tripping so i connected the wires going to second box ( wires are still disconnected in box 2 there is no load)with the first box and bam gfci trips, so i replace gfci for the second time, no differents, so now i'm thinking i have a ground fault between lights 1 & 2 but last time i troubleshooted this circuit the problem was between light 4 & 5 now its between 1 & 2. last week lights 1 thru 4 worked fine as long as the lights after the fourth light were disconnected. i hope all this make sense