Truck or Van?

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I have to say that I am a sprinter owner and it the best all around van to work in. And I have been brought up on 12 foot box trucks. And they were loaded to the hilt and got decent mil age. But their achilles heel was they were a bit bulky for city streets and had a nasty steep up height to the back cab. With the sprinters fairly low steep in height and tall roof, and sliding side door it makes life easier not having to bend over all the time. To me its worth the money. Others make due with less. In my opinon if what ever truck you have if you dont keep it organized and stocked for the jobs at hand it is not saving you money on supply house stops. I love just steeping into it. and all the room.
mdshunk said:
If you want an eye-opener, check out the time stamps on convenience store and fast food receipts, and ATM slips that might be in the truck trash.
That's a great idea, i think i will do that !!
LawnGuyLandSparky said:
Perception does not make right.
The employer is taking the risks? How much is risk worth, and who decided it? Let's be realistic - how many employees of contractors have done something that caused the employer to lose everything, or go to jail? I don't believe in absolutes, but I'll bet the answer is none. When tragedy strikes, the employer is the first to cite "supervisory oversight" or "clerical error," and throw the employee under the bus.

The employer isn't taking anywhere near the risk the insurer is. And how many employer's insurers realize that while the license dictates the employees are under the license holder's DIRECT supervision, in reality the license holder doesn't even know where the jobs are?

It's a 2-way street. Neither can do without the other. I say, majority rule, but that touches on a taboo subject so we won't go there.
To take it even further off the original subject, I would say one way to tie in the interests of employers and employees closer together might be some sort of profit sharing. But that might be the subject of another thread. e/m.
Ravenvalor said:
I called the dealer about the Dodge Sprinters. After he told me how small the engines were I lost interest. I need a big engine for my big load.
What was the price range, if you don't mind telling us?
My Sprinters do BETTER than the E-350's we had. I drove one to Florida loaded to the max 85 all the way ....I mean 65 except for Georiga where it was 70 or was that 90?
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