I started out in life doing master antenna systems for apartment buildings and was also asked to do a fair number of antennas for houses. Whenever a customer insisted on an antenna in the attic I refused the job. Anytime I had ever put one there it resulted in poor reception and the customer blaming me. It couldn't be aimed properly, foil insulation, HVAC ducts, etc. I remember one where the customer, for who I was able to get decent reception, called me to complain in the fall. I found that he moved all his lawn furniture into the sizable attic with a metal table right under the antenna. When I told him that's what the problem was, the unbelieving customer asked, "should the legs go up or down".
So, moral of the story is antennas don't belong in attics. If your antenna doesn't survive being outdoors installed on the roof it's improperly installed or a piece of junk. Granted, what was a normal quality antenna back then isn't available now. I kind of remember at the end I had to order Jerrold/TACO antennas from Canada. In my opinion, over the air reception is a joke today... or a hobby.