twist lock plugs on tpole

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I never have used them. Most of my work is in the county, but I have had tpoles inspected and they have passed without twist lock plugs and without the in use plug plates. I haven't seen a code article on tpoles. I have seen temporary wiring, but not tpoles. Another local jurisdiction?
One of our local jurisdictions requires them on Temp poles, so as always, check the local codes. :)
P.S. I don't see a need for them unless you are on a job that uses twist locks. ever time I am at a job that has Twist lock receptacles they all have T-lock to regular plug Adaptors hanging from them. :confused:
twist lock plugs on temp pole

twist lock plugs on temp pole

Just one of those things where I never have seen an answer. They had a question about it on my Journeyman's test. I don't remember the exact question now. I hear OSHA is training 100 new inspectors for our area in texas. I hear their fine per incident is usually $5000. Although it seems insignificant, I guess this could be a $5000 question.
Why would they dictate what type of receptacles you install on a temporary pole? :-?

My $5000 question is, who makes an in-use cover for a regular 50A receptacle that would actually function as an in-use cover? Most 50A cord caps fill the entire space intended for a couple 14-AWG cords.
Why would they dictate what type of receptacles you install on a temporary pole? :-?

My $5000 question is, who makes an in-use cover for a regular 50A receptacle that would actually function as an in-use cover? Most 50A cord caps fill the entire space intended for a couple 14-AWG cords.

10-3 SO cord with a straight end (not a 90?) won't allow the cover to snap closed.

I've had several of those on construction sites, and even the OSHA inspector shrugged his shoulders and didn't say anything.
And all the receptacles on the pole must be GFCI protected too. And yes I ask for inuse covers. I also don't require a ground rod at each pole, but there are some inspectors that do.
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