- Location
- Windsor, CO NEC: 2017
- Occupation
- Service Manager
Re: two ground rods
Sure. They've gotten a lot more cutthroat since the horseshoe pastime dried up. Now they'll stop at nothing to get their maintain their lavish lifestyles of excess and luxury. I've heard through an anonymous source in a closed door meeting that I couldn't transcribe that they've slowly been cloning an army of "ground rod friendly" CMP members who will see to it that "the 25 ohm requirement remains code for-evah! HA HA HA HA HA!"One of the fifteen Charlie's said:
I do not believe the ground rod manufacturers had much to do with it. Also, the makeup of the Code Making Panels do permit more than 1/3 of the members to be from the manufacturing sector.
Would you really have any value from an army of slaves whose chief activity is staring at an obtuse legal document at great length for the sole purpose of arguing about it?Since there are many more Charlies that Scotts, we may have to get some others to help you out (Bills, Georges, Bobs, etc.)