Two section panels

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Senior Member
New York City
I had a situation on the job today where the blue-prints call for a 400 amps two section panels.Due to the economical situation we try to use two new 400amps panel that we keep from old jobs(new never used) one w/Main breaker and the other w/main lugs .these two panels are two different brands.That means they are not a two section panel and I'm worried if I can use them or will I have problems with the listing of the equipment?.See the attached diagram.On the left side are my two panels ,on the right a regular two section panel.
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THe only problem I would see you having would be if you are depending on "series ratings". If all your breakers are fully rated, I see no problem.
I've never heard of different brands being an issue, as long as each box receives it's approved type(s).

As for the enclosure differences, you need to clear this as a change with the designer, not the inspector.
Personally, I hate it when electricians don't use the same brand panel throughout a building. Everytime I need to replace a breaker or add a circuit I have to bring 2 differents kinds of breakers just in case...
Personally, I hate it when electricians don't use the same brand panel throughout a building. Everytime I need to replace a breaker or add a circuit I have to bring 2 differents kinds of breakers just in case...
I see you point and you right !!But will you spend money if you can save that!
Is it not possible to buy another panel to match the other, whether it's the main breaker or main lug. You'll have to throw one of them back in the shop, but you'll still use one up.:cool:

Still beats buying a 2 section and throwing them both back in the shop...
Typically with a two section panel, the first panel will have a set of "feed through" lugs to feed the second panel. How will you feed the second panel?
you can probably get a new panel with the breakers for the same price as the breakers off the shelf...
you can probably get a new panel with the breakers for the same price as the breakers off the shelf...
I told my boos that I seemed not a good idea but he told me if I knew any code section that prohibits this installation,that why I come here to the forum to find one.
My boos thinks I discuss much everything but I really want to do my job well and learn in the same time the right way.Probably at the end I do what he says but i keep the good part as experience for the future!!
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