Two services into a gym

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Omaha, NE, USA
I have an addition to a school that is finishing up construction. The new addition is fed from a 2000 amp 277/480v service and the existing building is fed from an 800 amp 120/208v service. I met the 230.2C1 stating that I can have two services is the services total more than 2000 amps. I kept the buildings and services separate with a fire door, but also bonded them together with a #3/0 per 250.58. An issue in part of the new construction came up where the school wanted a 400 amp service to their new performing arts area for lighting and sound. Seems kind of overkill to me, but the customer is always right. I didn't have room in the new 2000 amp service, but did from the existing school 800 amp service since that fed part of the school that was torn down.
Now the inspector is having an issue with the two services feeding this theater and wants a fire wall, fire doors, all of the existing 120v circuits rerouted to the new lighting and sound panel and a subfed 277v panel to fed the heat pumps and lighting in that area. My assumption was that I was ok to feed the area with both services since the services were bonded together per 250.58. Is the inspector right, or do I have a case to argue against him on this?
I have an addition to a school that is finishing up construction. The new addition is fed from a 2000 amp 277/480v service and the existing building is fed from an 800 amp 120/208v service. I met the 230.2C1 stating that I can have two services is the services total more than 2000 amps. I kept the buildings and services separate with a fire door, but also bonded them together with a #3/0 per 250.58. An issue in part of the new construction came up where the school wanted a 400 amp service to their new performing arts area for lighting and sound. Seems kind of overkill to me, but the customer is always right. I didn't have room in the new 2000 amp service, but did from the existing school 800 amp service since that fed part of the school that was torn down.
Now the inspector is having an issue with the two services feeding this theater and wants a fire wall, fire doors, all of the existing 120v circuits rerouted to the new lighting and sound panel and a subfed 277v panel to fed the heat pumps and lighting in that area. My assumption was that I was ok to feed the area with both services since the services were bonded together per 250.58. Is the inspector right, or do I have a case to argue against him on this?

Lets first see if I understand the situation.

Old service @ old building 120/208V

New service @ new building 277/480 (2000 amp).

New building has fire doors/walls/whatever necessary to consider it a separate building from the old building.

New building has an area (theater) that you wish to supply with additional 120/208 that will be fed from the old building.

Hopefully that is correct as that is what I am basing my response to.

Since the 120/208 is a feeder and not a service that complicates it some more.

I can't find anything that permits or prohibits both a feeder and a service to supply a building, but I'm sure somebody will let us know what they find or think.

If you had both voltages as services I would say fine, 230.2(C)(1) as you said allows it, and so does 230.2(D).

I have had inspector say before (when both systems were services) that they both needed to be in same area and no more than six total disconnects. I disagree with that. I say six disconnects per allowed service, and find nothing that says both services need located together. There does need to be directory posted at each service to indicate where other services are located. (230.3(E))

I see after reading 230.3(E) that I just mentioned it does seem to permit both a service and a feeder to supply same building as well as 225.37. I guess I asked a question and answered it in the same post:)
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