Two services to same property

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While we're happy to offer our opinions, you should save yourself headaches down the road and ask your inspector (or AHJ) what they think or will allow, before you do the work.

Might be some work but could you run a feed from the 400A panel to the 200A panel and do away with the separate 200A service?

I had planned on checking with the AHJ beforehand. And I appreciate all the opinions.. :)
The second service is mounted on a fence on the east side of the property. I take that to be a separate structure

Even if the fence had loads and one were to buy that as a justification for a second service, that second service is not allowed to serve the home, as the OP has implied it does, or he wants to. The bottom line for me, though, is that the OP still hasn't been clear enough on details to say what's going on here.
Even if the fence had loads and one were to buy that as a justification for a second service, that second service is not allowed to serve the home, as the OP has implied it does, or he wants to. The bottom line for me, though, is that the OP still hasn't been clear enough on details to say what's going on here.

I don't know how many more details you need, it seems clear enough to me.

House has a 400A service on west side
Pool equipment has a 200A service on the east side (mounted on a block fence=separate structure)
Addition being built on east side where 200A panel is
OP wants to know if it's allowed to run new circuits from 200A (pool) panel to the addition

Consensus is it isn't allowed per code but AHJ may allow it
I don't know how many more details you need, it seems clear enough to me.

Consensus is it isn't allowed per code but AHJ may allow it

I don't think the AHJ can legally allow this because it's not one of the gray areas. If there was a fire an they needed to kill power even removeing the meter wouldn't do it. If they did go with it they should require some sort of warning that there is a second service that needs to be disconnect and that's still a bit dangerous.

It's going to be dangerous if they don't keep things straight because anyone working on the house will assume that when they kill main power that it's all safe to work on.

If I were the inspector I wouldn't allow it because there is to much risk. A code violation is one thing but a hazard is another.

I come close to being shocked by a circuit running to a structure from a near by structure. Been that way for 30 years and no one knew about it. Property was no longer even owned by same person. I had the whole service taken down, no mast, no meter base, no panel and there was still a live circuit, what a surprise.
Hi, I am working a residential job that has 2 electrical services. One is a metered 400 amp serving the home, and there is a second metered 200 amp service supplying the pool equipment. The 400 amp is mounted on the west side of the home. The 200 amp is mounted on the property's block fence on the east side of the home. The pool and pool equipment are on the east side as well. They are building an addition on the east side of the home (just expanding the master bedroom and bath), and I need to get a couple extra circuits to this area for a jetted tub, new 20 amp bath gfci, and an undercab fridge and maybe ice maker. It will be major work to get these new circuits from the west 400 amp panel. Can these circuits be added from the panel on the east side of the property? In otherwords, can a single family home be fed circuits from two different metered services? Note: I have no idea why there is a second metered panel for the pool equipment. The home was built probably in the '80's.
Thank you, Chris
By code, you are not allowed to have 2 services, other than with exceptions. I dont think pool equipment is one of the exceptions.
By code, you are not allowed to have 2 services, other than with exceptions. I dont think pool equipment is one of the exceptions.
If you have separate structures you can have one service to each structure. What OP has might be fine, but bringing a circuit (or two) from the second structure to the first is what is a problem.

If you have different characteristics like different voltage, number of phases... then you can have additional services in same structure.
We do multiple services to the same property all the time. Think of an apartment complex.

We do multiple services to the same building all the time. Think of a strip mall or any mall.

Multiple services to one tenant space brings concern wherein by practice we require services to be labeled "Service ____ of _______. Other service(s) located ___________."
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