Two window AC' s on one circ ok?

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FWIW, I don't use my A/C on a single outlet circuit. Even though the label says so. It's kind of tough when you only have 4 120V circuits in the house and one is dedicated to the furnace and one is dedicated to the well pump.

What are the legal ramifications of my recalcitrance? Have I broken a law? Or just voided the warranty?
FWIW, I don't use my A/C on a single outlet circuit. Even though the label says so. It's kind of tough when you only have 4 120V circuits in the house and one is dedicated to the furnace and one is dedicated to the well pump.

What are the legal ramifications of my recalcitrance? Have I broken a law? Or just voided the warranty?

I think that staying in a house with only two general purpose 120V circuits must violate some law of modern living and conspicuous consumption.
But I am not sure who would enforce that. :)


but in this install there's nothing wrong with it...right.........?

two loads.......together under 12 amps on a 15 amp circuit...............

HVACR loade are always best on dedicated circuits.
Even smaller BTU units, I try to never run on 15A circuits.
2 refrigeration loads on a single 15A is asking for trouble even if they are small.
I think that staying in a house with only two general purpose 120V circuits must violate some law of modern living and conspicuous consumption.
But I am not sure who would enforce that. :)

I use about 300 - 350 KWh per month. That may drop in a while as I am considering getting a gas range.

Yes, it can get a bit tricky to power a house with an electric range from a 60 amp 5 circuit (4-120, 1-240) service when one of the 120 is furnace only and another is pump only. That leaves 2.

An upgrade is overdue. That will require moving some plumbing in order to get my clearances. For the time being I will just be frugal and wary of every load I place on a circuit.
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