Type Z purge kit identified for a Class I Div 2 location being supplied with a certified UL 508A panel


Electrical Engineer
Say I have a panel coming from a UL508A panel shop and it is certified as UL 508A compliant. But they're also providing a Type Z purge kit pre-installed.

Do I need to have the purge kit's final installation field certified?

If the AHJ is happy with the purge kit being identified on its own nameplate for Type Z per NFPA 496, and is installed correctly to whatever rigor he may deem necessary (be it visual inspection, asking to confirm the remote alarm, verifying holding pressure), is that equivalent to being suitable/accepted and thus compliant with the law?

Does the AHJ have the right to mandate the installation of the purge kit be field certified by an 3rd party inspection service?

Code references appreciated. I've heard differing opinions on this.
Many of these kits are UL listed.

That would suggest only the installation should be inspected. Inspecting the installation is the job of the AHJ unless they have deferred to a third party
My intention of stating "identified on its own nameplate for Type Z per NFPA 496" was to imply just that - that it's UL listed.

That makes sense to me. Thanks Bob. I appreciate your contributions, I can't tell you how many times I've seen your responses on this good forum.