UF-B cble for a 480V/1PH pole lighting circuit

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I have some site lighting poles (28' high) where I have a security camera and light fixture mounted on the same pole. I was planning to specify UF-B cable (power) & CAT6 cable (Camera) inside the hollow space in the pole to meet all NEC requirements for cable voltage separation. However, the lighting circuit is 480V/1PH. I only see UF-B cable with black, white, and green conductor insulation. Do they make UF-B cable with Brown, Orange or Yellow insulation for a 480V/1PH applications?
I have some site lighting poles (28' high) where I have a security camera and light fixture mounted on the same pole. I was planning to specify UF-B cable (power) & CAT6 cable (Camera) inside the hollow space in the pole to meet all NEC requirements for cable voltage separation. However, the lighting circuit is 480V/1PH. I only see UF-B cable with black, white, and green conductor insulation. Do they make UF-B cable with Brown, Orange or Yellow insulation for a 480V/1PH applications?
what difference would it make? the electrons do not care. you can always remark the ends with colored tape.

you can probably get UF made with any color inner insulation you want if you pay enough and buy a minimum quantity.

Just curious how you planned to maintain spacing inside the center of the pole? MC might make more sense for such a situation.
Just curious how you planned to maintain spacing inside the center of the pole? MC might make more sense for such a situation
I'm guessing that's the reason he wants to run two cables up through the pole. No separation required.
Another option is multi conductor tray cable, which is also DB rated. Your cat 6 would need to be wet location rated.
what difference would it make? the electrons do not care. you can always remark the ends with colored tape.

you can probably get UF made with any color inner insulation you want if you pay enough and buy a minimum quantity.

Just curious how you planned to maintain spacing inside the center of the pole? MC might make more sense for such a situation.
Not required. See 725.136(I)(1).
It may be easier for the 2023 NEC as 725 has had part split out into a new 726. But I agree its a complicated article.
But for now Class 1 is wiring using a chapter 3 method, its power limited (24V) and non power limited, like motor control
Class 2 is power limited, think t-stat wiring, no boxes or conduit req
Class 3 is bit higher power than 2, typically a nurse call system
This may be a good idea. It seems like we wouldn't run into any issues with supporting of the cable in the pole cavity (28' tall) per NEC 330?
One might consider that to be fished and being supported by the connectors.
What about EMF, etc, affecting the camera circuit? The cables will be close together inside the pole.
Ethernet cable uses twisted pair which is very immune to EMF. The MC cable has a metal jacket which will act as a shield
Most would run pvc into the pole base and transition to whatever inside the pole for future replacement options if needed.

Do the poles not have hand holes at the bottom?

Ethernet cable uses twisted pair which is very immune to EMF. The MC cable has a metal jacket which will act as a shield
Yes, but it is recommended to space them at least 6 inches from high voltage cables. I don't know how any spacing can be maintained inside a light pole. And there's the 330 foot distance limitation.
I doubt there will be any connectors at the upper end of the pole.
There's really nothing to connect to.
Good point, but isn't the interior of the pole considered a raceway? If so a cable run in a raceway does not require support.
Good point, but isn't the interior of the pole considered a raceway? If so a cable run in a raceway does not require support.

I agree, but, I thought you had mentioned in post 11 that it needed to be supported by connectors?

I may have misunderstood your response.

If one doesn't tie it off somehow at a 28' height or your going to end up using a lot more cable or flex seeing as how it's going to coil up inside the pole before it gets to the top. :)

Plus, supporting it somehow will take the weight of the connection to the fixture wiring at the top of the pole.

This is all mostly just common sense stuff.

I agree, but, I thought you had mentioned in post 11 that it needed to be supported by connectors?

I may have misunderstood your response.

If one doesn't tie it off somehow at a 28' height or your going to end up using a lot more cable or flex seeing as how it's going to coil up inside the pole before it gets to the top. :)

Plus, supporting it somehow will take the weight of the connection to the fixture wiring at the top of the pole.

This is all mostly just common sense stuff.

There must be some sort of strain relief's for this application? Kellum grips?
If one doesn't tie it off somehow at a 28' height or your going to end up using a lot more cable or flex seeing as how it's going to coil up inside the pole before it gets to the top. :)
Valid point. Even pulling conductors in there would have a similar issue but they would weigh less than a cable. I haven't wired a light pole in ages how is it done in 2023? Are the conductors supported at the top of the pole?
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