uf or nmc

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Single family dwellings are typically wired with NMC in my area. In order for any subcontractors to begin their rough-in, Elec, Plumbing and HVAC the dwelling must be weather proof. I always, during my rough in, extend at the front door a switch leg through the OSB board for the passage door lighting. This switch leg is NMC and is outside. The idea of maintaining the integrity of that wire is now compromised and yet the Inspector passes the rough-in. This free pass is multiplied in spades when you begin roughing in a carport an AC unit and also the outside plugs. One of coarse with in 20' of the out door unit. I was asked this question today and I was unable to reply. Does any one have a reasonable response to this conundrum?
IMO this isn't a problem. Article 100 says this:

Location, Dry. A location not normally subject to damp-
ness or wetness. A location classified as dry may be tem-
porarily subject to dampness or wetness, as in the case of a
building under construction.
Get a bottle of liquid electrical tape and dip the ends. This will keep moisture from wicking into the paper inside the NM cable until time to terminate

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I think he is incorrectly abbreviating it as Non Metallic Cable rather than the NM-C designation

Regardless, NM is allowed in exterior walls to exterior outlets, as well as crawlspaces. I have never seen a residence that used UF to feed outside lights and receptacles, unless it runs underground. As far as rough-in, I leave extra, cut end facing down, then cut that back when trimming out. As mentioned above, normally dry locations can be temporarily wet during construction.
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One of coarse with in 20' of the out door unit.

25 Ft.

210.63 Heating, Air-Conditioning, and Refrigeration Equipment Outlet.
A 125-volt, single-phase, 15- or
20-ampere-rated receptacle outlet shall be installed at an
accessible location for the servicing of heating, air-
conditioning, and refrigeration equipment. The receptacle
shall be located on the same level and within 7.5 m (25 ft)
of the heating, air-conditioning, and refrigeration equip-
ment. The receptacle outlet shall not be connected to the
load side of the equipment disconnecting means.
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