Re: ug pedestal in frost
That's why the $35 guy turns to the $10 guy and says, "Dig that hole, loser."
I agree with drg, that was well put.
Depending on the scale of a project, we will bid trenching jobs for us to sub-out a excavator, but generally trenching is done for us. Our prices (which I seldom see) probably are prohibitive for us to take on much of the digging, because frequently we get the job but not the excavating. Running a ditch witch is fun now and then.
I've talked to a guy who didn't do much actual electrical, mostly dug trenches and maybe bent a little pipe here and there. He got his time in for his journeyman, took a class, passed the test, and was rewarded with a raise and a shovel. Think he was told to dig a 150' trench, or something like that.
Digging little holes is par for the course, but a 150' trench? Fuhgetaboutit. They actually paid the guy $20, $22 an hour to dig. Insanity. Not that he knew his way around a wire nut, but jeez. Why pay a journeyman who isn't one, to dig trenches for a zillion times the cost of renting equipment? Either the guy was pulling my leg, or there's gonna be an EC panhandling in a year or two...
If I personally were told to hand dig a 150' trench for no apparent good reason, I would view that as my walking papers.
[ January 13, 2005, 07:17 AM: Message edited by: georgestolz ]