Ugh !

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Senior Member
Boston, MA
I'll keep it short. :lol:

Get called to look at a job. Did work for person at his home. This work would be at his dental office. Install some 2x2 and 2x4 fluorescent fixtures in the building. Correct some violations in the building. I walk through with owner and list of violations that should be corrected. When I explain what it would take (ie $$$) to fix them he says forget about them. That should have been the signal to get the hell out of there as these were some serious hazards. They had already had a fire recently hence the insurance co coming down on them. The other flag should have been the knowledge that a few other ec's bailed on him. Gave a ballpark price of $1500.00 No written contract just ok do it. The violations were such that his insurance company was going to cancel his policy if they were not corrected.

Started by installing two 2x2's in dropped ceiling. Feed already there just install and wire between the two. Easy! Done!

Bring material up to fifth floor in elevator that looked like a relic from WW II. Supposed to replace 5 2x4's up there. Popped out a water stained ceiling tile to find the old plaster ceiling was collapsed onto the dropped ceiling which looked like you could sneeze and it would come crashing down. Yuck.

The existing lights were not chained up, their feeds went into flying j boxes with no covers, fed with crumbly old bx. A disaster. The old guy working in this area told me to watch out for squirrels and bats up there. Yuck. Mind you this guy is making dentures that people put in their mouths. I can not convey how disgusting this place is.

Anyhow. I packed my stuff up and told him I can not put my name on this building. I pointed out just how bad and in need of major work the place is. He whines and cries a little and I try to explain that I have far too much integrity to mickey mouse something to just to make a buck. At the time I was hurting for work which is the only reason I made an attempt.
He says he will pay for what I did.

So here we are 3 months later.
I sent a bill on January 23 for the work that I did although I spent much more time there.
The bill was for $344.35
Basically two hours @92.00 ($184.00)
Two 2x2 fixtures $90.16
Four Lamps $28.62
Materials $118.78 plus 35% ($160.35)

After numerous calls I finally get a letter and a check.

"Dear Scott,
As we agreed in December 2005 your quote was for $1,500.00 to complete lighting at this office. I have priced the lights at Home Depot and each light was $40.00. I am paying you $80.00 for two lights and $150.00 for your labor a total of $230.00.
Since you abandoned the job I am considering the balance PAID IN FULL.


Another day another &%^$#!! :twisted:

Edited by Ryan for language.
Re: Ugh !

electricmanscott said:
"Dear Scott,
As we agreed in December 2005 your quote was for $1,500.00 to complete lighting at this office. I have priced the lights at Home Depot and each light was $40.00. I am paying you $80.00 for two lights and $150.00 for your labor a total of $230.00.
Since you abandoned the job I am considering the balance PAID IN FULL.


Send the check back.
Send a new invoice w/any applicable late fees/finance fees included.
Send a nice letter that legal action will commence if the invoice is not paid.

Even if it's only a "smoke screen" - I wouldn't accept that check. I'd rather just chaulk it up to "experience".
electricmanscott said: the $114.35 or pull out the pair of aces I am holding and make this guys life miserable ?

Aces up...but give him a chance (as detailed above).
If we are voting my choice would be send the check back, re-bill and make this guys life miserable. :twisted:

But thats just me, I don't like people messing around with money I earned. :evil:

I have not hesitated to do what I had to in order to collect, small claims court....been their and won.

Other more 'dlrect' methods have worked as well.
I guess I'm just getting old. Years ago I would have hounded Mr. Asswipe for the money but it would have been more personal than business. I hate it when people say I priced something at Home Depot . I always ask " Do you mean they will deliver to the fifth floor and gaurantee it for a year for $40 " From a business stand point I don't think it's worth much time for a $114.35 so I would cut my loses and deposit his check and forget about him. It's not like you can make an example of a customer by hounding him so other will know they had better pay. I find it more prudent to check customers out before doing any work to start with. I do have a vindictive side so I would make a report to the Fire Marshal ( this clears you if anything goes wrong by making them aware of the problem ). I keep a Dead Beat file so I will remember to never do work for certain people ever again. I think of it like this, even if I miss one service call while pursueing Mr. Asswipe's chump change then I have lost money.
I'd eat the $114.35 and pull out the aces to make his life miserable.

I didn't see permit fee in your bill. I'd make sure I took one and make sure to tell inspector what you saw. In MA inspector is required to notify owner in writing of a hazard.
That reminds me of the time I was working above a suspended ceiling with rats crawling around. :shock:

Pursue the money you are rightfully owed, AND use those aces. 8)
You can still send notice to the building department of what you saw. How about to the health department.

This is also a good case of how important a digital camera can be. A few well taken photos and away to the health department. He would not know who took the pictures as you were not the only one who worked there.

I would take him to small claims court... never looks good for a local merchant.
Lean his property too... if it is not his property, the lease probably has clause in it for him to pay the lean... very effective.

He thinks he is smarter than you. I would show him he is not all he thinks he is.

I never try to get even, I get ahead. :wink:
I don't do rats :shock: ...pigeons yes, rats no. Some will argue that pigeons are just flying rats though :lol:
Re: Ugh !

celtic said:
Send the check back.
Send a new invoice w/any applicable late fees/finance fees included.
Send a nice letter that legal action will commence if the invoice is not paid.

Even if it's only a "smoke screen" - I wouldn't accept that check. I'd rather just chaulk it up to "experience".

Why send the check back? Why not deposit the check as partial payment and invoice for the rest?
Re: Ugh !

bradleyelectric said:
Why send the check back? Why not deposit the check as partial payment and invoice for the rest?

In some circles, if he accepts the check with the letter saying "paid in full", then it has, in fact , been paid in full.

My vote, go for it!
Re: Ugh !

bradleyelectric said:
Why send the check back? Why not deposit the check as partial payment and invoice for the rest?

Minuteman said:
In some circles, if he accepts the check with the letter saying "paid in full", then it has, in fact , been paid in full.


If he accepts that check, he *MIGHT* be in agreement that the job was completed and payment made in full. Not accepting the check is a clear indication that "full payment" has not been made and the partial payment is not to be misconstrued as "Payment in Full".

In lieu of no written contract, the only tangible "evidence" is the invoice for $350 and the check for $230(with notation). IF this thing goes to court, the judge *MIGHT* be forced to side with the customer - based on the only written documentation (he said/she said is a weak arguement at best).

This is, of course, dependant on the particular state's laws.
hardworkingstiff said:
I'm with growler.

$114? Let it go and get on with life, it's too short.

Next time it might be you...or growler....and the sum might be 10X or 100X that amount.

I go after my money no matter what....but that's just me.
The way I look at it is like this:
This Mr.XXXXXX just beat me for $125.
Next clown might be $1125 or $11250.
When do you decide enough is enough?
Ok, so you decide to pursue the $1125 debt - but your clueless with the legal system. Why not learn on the nickel and dime stuff so you are better prepared for the real money (where it can really hurt your bottom line)?
Even IF we were talking about $112,500 and you had proper legal representation (you'd be a fool not too!), lawyers are not infallible.

Life is a learning experience - it's too short not to learn as much as you can.

Edited by Ryan for language.
Celtic, this is not a cut and dried case of Mr. XXXXXX oweing Scott a set amount of money. First there was only a verbal agreement, whick Scott wisely walked away from. Just because we may think that Scott's price was fair does not make it so. When you walk away from a job that you agreed to complete then who is to say what compensation you should recieve ( maybe a judge ). The judge may decide that he only gets paid for materials used because no one forced Scott to accept the job without checking it out. Getting burned for a small amount is a good learning experience, it keeps you on your toes so you don't get taken for large amounts. I would guess that if this job had been for more money then Scott would have had a written contract ( now I'm sure of it ). The lesson here is not how to collect $114 but to look before you leap.

Edited by Ryan for language.
All good points....but a "nice" letter of INTENT to pursue legal action my light a spark under Mr. Methane :) and "encourage" him to
My intentions at this point are to try to collect the full amount due. My aces are 1.. am am friendly with his insurance agent. That will probably not get me anywhere. But number 2.. his building is in a city that lost six firefighters seven years ago in a fire and they take this stuff very seriously. I know a whole bunch of people within the department and am friendly with other city government officials way up at the top of the food chain so to speak. That part of the equation could possibly cause misery for mr "I'll pay what I want to pay".

The thing that gets me more than the money is the fact that he could care less about how dangerous his building is and the disgusting conditions. This building is about 100 years old and it shows in every way.
While I was working there I watched his patients come in and out and thought "If they know what I knew they would not open their mouths in that place".

I actually did bring my camera to get some pictures but the battery was dead. :roll:
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