ughhhh wallplates

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yeah i had hard ones at supply house and HD in regular size. no one stocks regular size nylon. had to overnight from mfgr ill have them in the morning :)
what makes you think these are for GFCIs?

Your OP stated single gang decora plates. Most good GFCI's come with a midi sized nylon plate.

Well I almost never use the vinyl plate that come with the GFCI so I have a stack of those for the time I really need them

I have several boxes of plates from GFCI's that were cover mounted or had weatherproof covers installed on them. Don't know when I last purchased one gang decora plates (at least in ivory or white), don't need to.
why in the world does no one stock white single gang decora plates, standard size in nylon?

I can get the residential grade ones in standard size, or nylon plates in midway. No supply houses have them, no home improvement centers have them... now i get to pay fedex that will probably cost more than the plates do to have them overnighted from mfgr :mad:[/QUOTE

I'd have just slapped a standard plastic plate on there until i got the other ones. Why pay extra to overnight something?
Your OP stated single gang decora plates. Most good GFCI's come with a midi sized nylon plate.

I have several boxes of plates from GFCI's that were cover mounted or had weatherproof covers installed on them. Don't know when I last purchased one gang decora plates (at least in ivory or white), don't need to.

the OP said standard size
the OP said standard size

sorry you are right.

Now why use anything but the midi size? Most everyone does that is why you can't find standards.

Most people don't even notice the difference between a standard and midi unless you have one of each right next to other on same wall.
Over here, the Home Depot standard size plates are Leviton hard plastic, not nylon. All of the supply houses I go to also have the same. No supply houses that I know of have midi plates here. It's funny how the big box stores vary across the country.

it isn't funny at all.... :-(

mid size plates nylon are about all that i use. 3/8" bigger than normal.

when you see how the drywall is finished in this part of the country,
you realize how pointless standard size is.
fedex man brought me a nice big box of standard size nylon plates today :) all is well.

someone suggested installing the hard ones and swapping them out when i get nylon and its crazy to pay overnight shipping. $35 in shipping sure beats two trips plus the time to swap out 50 coverplates......
Well I almost never use the vinyl plate that come with the GFCI so I have a stack of those for the time I really need them

Me to,,,,the gfi's i get come with a standard plate,,,,,and I never use it. I have thrown away plenty, and sneak some in a location where paople don't see it, (where it doesn't bother me), but I hate the looks of the standard plate
used 7 standard size plates today

used 7 standard size plates today

I'm remodeling my office and when I was trimming out today I remembered this thread so I used decora receptacles and used up 7 of the hundreds of plates I've kept from GFCI receptacles, usually outdoor where had to use wp covers. Don't know if I can afford to keep saving them--spent 5k on 10 x 14 room. But the receptacle cover plates were free. But the decora receptacles cost $1.50 more than standard duplexes.
it isn't funny at all.... :-(

mid size plates nylon are about all that i use. 3/8" bigger than normal.

when you see how the drywall is finished in this part of the country,
you realize how pointless standard size is.

No matter how poor of a job the drywallers do you must still comply with 314.21.
Now since we've forund the plates...

How many of you, when you install the cover plate screws, have the slots in the screws oriented in the same direction? The crusty old electrician I learned from made me have them running vertically...he said it was the "mark of a Master electrician"....and I still do it today.
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