This is from the American Concrete Institute (ACI)

Engineers and concrete contractors look at embedded conduit as a necessary evil. Conduit doesn't provide much in the way of strength and can often weaken the concrete if not installed correctly. Keep your embedded conduit runs at least 2 inches back (or structural engineer's requirements) from the finish to avoid "pop-outs", and allow space between the conduit and the rebar for the aggragate to flow all around both. If installing in floor slabs, install the conduit under the wire mesh.

Engineers and concrete contractors look at embedded conduit as a necessary evil. Conduit doesn't provide much in the way of strength and can often weaken the concrete if not installed correctly. Keep your embedded conduit runs at least 2 inches back (or structural engineer's requirements) from the finish to avoid "pop-outs", and allow space between the conduit and the rebar for the aggragate to flow all around both. If installing in floor slabs, install the conduit under the wire mesh.