To my knowledge there has only been one fire in anything that remotely resembles a Data Center. It occurred in Illinois Bell, Hinsdale Telephone office on May 8 1988. The fire occurred in a cable rack above a DC power plant where un-fused DC battery cables were ran. The cause was a result of previous workers leaving tools (a wrench) inside the formed cable bundle which eventually breached the insulation cause a fault. The actual fire was contained to the cable rack and cables. As a result of the fire 35,000 customers were left without phone or long distance service for about 30-days.
All the damage to the equipment was a result of the fire fighters water mixing with the acidic smoke produced from the burning cable insulation. It formed hydrochloric acid which basically ate all the printed circuit boards in the equipment.
As a result Bell operating companies then required all cable formulations to be a low smoke type like RHH/RHW- LS and to install Halon fire suppression systems.