Underground wire - cable locator

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Re: Underground wire - cable locator

Replying to D Carnells post
Progressive, Tempo, Greenlee, makes model 521 Valve and solenoid locator. I've had nothing but success using it. You can probably rent one at your local irrigation supply house. (@$50/day)
Another inexpensive product is the BuzzBee http://www.reedsirrigation.com/testequipment.htm

The old way was to trace wires coming from your controller and dig small holes approximately every 10 feet to trace the wire to the valve. (wires run along side the 1" pvc pipe to each valve) Another alternative is to check with your local city permits department because many times an irrigation blueprint had to accompany the permit application.
When you locate the valve, install a valve box from home depot so that it will be easy to find in the future
Good Luck

I need advice on how to locate low voltage (24v?)irrigation valve wiring to find a stuck valve. Two contractors have tried without success to locate the wiring, one dug up a third of my backyard, no luck.
I've tried a device called "click it" which cycles the valve solenoid on-off repeatidly so that it can be heard, but it must be buried under several inches of soil I can't hear the clicking.
Do you know of an instrument/device that can sense buried wiring 12-inches below grade?? Where can I rent the equipment?
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