Unfused Sevice Entrance

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Up until the 80's, in Dallas you could run as far into the structure unfused, as long as it was in GRC.
There are tons of older buildings where the overhead POCO drop his 5-6 weatherheads and takes off 50=200' into the buildling.

No kidding
I've worked on houses where poco hits weatherhead, entrance cable enters attic, leaves attic opposite end of house, drops to meter, entrance cable enters house and strapped 1/2 way thru crawlspace, finally gets to main in panel. Athens, Georgia '60s era is one that comes to mind.
Here we generally allow only a few feet. Just enough to enter the building and head right for the panel. We don't allow any additional length for RMC. I had one site that a short in the panel led to a melt down of the service feeders. It melted 3" off a 4" RMC that didn't even have any conductors in it.
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