Unrealistic Landlords!

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EBFD6 said:
The tenants probably pay for the electric bill.

I had a landlord call me for the same situation. He had an oil burner for forced hot water, he paid for the oil and heated the entire 6 unit building.

He wanted electric baseboard installed in each unit, obviously off of the panel for the unit, so the tenants would pay for the electric heat and he would no longer have to pay for oil. I pointed out that the boiler was also providing hot water to the building, so he would need 6 water heaters installed and wired, and he would need to hire a plumber to re-pipe the hot water system so each tenant would be paying for their own hot water!

I never heard back from him :roll:

In some states, your not allowed to switch to electric baseboard heating, he better check the laws, also some states require the building be insulated to an value that most older buildings will not meet. His idea of passing on the heating expense to the tenant may look like an easy move, until the tenants lawyer up. sounds like the typical new to managing property guy, they think they have a gold mine in their property until the facts get in the way.
satcom said:
If he thinks Oil was expensive, wait until he gets the electric bill.

In PA the utility commision (PUC) does not allow the POCO to disconnect due to lack of payment in the winter. All of these landlords want to put the heating bill in the tennant's name, so the landlord is not responsible. Now in the warmer weather, the POCO can yank the meter. I'm sure when they write up a new lease for the tennant there will be wording stipulating the tennant's responsibility for the increase in electric and that it is a requirement to pay the bill or they will be evicted. I'm predicting a very high turnover in tennants come every spring.:roll:


Hi.. I had a customer ask me to rehang 6 ea paddle fans that some one else had hung on a new duplex remodel after fire & try to make me believe that no one would sue me if & when they fell>> the fans had been hung from plastic boxes. Told him no way!! not on my license. He just hung regular ceiling lights. fun to hear others do have same type of customers.
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