Using ChatGBT as a tool


Poughkeepsie NY
Electrical Contractor
I'm amazed at the Accuracy of ChatGBT! I've been using it as a tool to help me learn NEC. It'll create scenarios and guide you with NEC based responses. Has anyone used this app? I think it's going to eliminate a lot of thinking on our own and may have some negative impacts on us

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Double check the information! I have seen ChatGPT WAY off on some information.
I just checked to see a fuse coordination, it was wrong, again.
AI is not there yet but it is getting better. Also some paid versions offer better accuracy than the free versions.
It will give you wrong answers to technical questions and then refuse to tell you the source where it got the info. Not like on here where people will cite chapter and verse so you can go read and understand it for yourself.
Remember that 'AI' doesn't understand what it is saying. They are statistical models stringing 'words' together based on the text that they trained on. Essentially pseudo-randomly stringing one word after another on the basis of how probable the next word would be in the training corpus.

Because the AI generated text looks lots like the source text, it often comes up with useful descriptions and summations, but only if that useful information is already buried in the source text. Since lots of humans are writing lots of stuff all the time, the same useful bit of knowledge gets written down lots of times in slightly different ways. AI does a pretty good job of distilling that out.

But if the source text is full of nonsense, AI will simply repeat that nonsense, possibly with slightly different wording.

If you ask AI for something that its been exposed to but doesn't really understand, you might get a 'hallucination', where the AI system just makes up something that looks like what you are asking for.

When a lawyer asked an AI system to generate a legal brief, it generated some text that statistically looked like a legal brief. Even the case citations looked like proper case citations. Unfortunately the AI had no clue what a case citation was; it didn't go looking into the corpus of prior cases to find relevant ones. The AI just knew that legal briefs had strings of words that followed a certain pattern and just made up new strings of words that followed that pattern. So this 'legal brief' had things that looked like case citations that were simply made up.

If you understand what the AI system is doing, it is a great tool. Ask AI to summarize some text? Pretty good job. Ask AI to do a grammar check on your writing? Pretty good job. Ask AI to create new practice questions from a set of old practice questions? Also pretty good. Feed AI a code book and ask it to search for relevant sections? That would probably work (I've not tried it). Feed AI a code book and ask for an interpretation? You will probably get nonsense.

Replacing human intelligence with computers that require massively more energy resources and still can't get things right is actually not a viable future for civilization. I just saw a graphic that Georgia Power forecasts 30GW of new power need for data centers, mainly for AI. That's insane. It's more electrical power than California is using right now.
Replacing human intelligence with computers that require massively more energy resources and still can't get things right is actually not a viable future for civilization. I just saw a graphic that Georgia Power forecasts 30GW of new power need for data centers, mainly for AI. That's insane. It's more electrical power than California is using right now.

Crypto mining and AI are quickly becoming the biggest consumers of electric power and it’s not even close. It’s going to be interesting to see how all of this plays out.
Crypto mining and AI are quickly becoming the biggest consumers of electric power and it’s not even close. It’s going to be interesting to see how all of this plays out.
I thought I read somewhere that Crypto mining is not allowed in the US. Is that a true statement?
My brother has been writing his memoirs and he sent me a draft. I copied the first page and gave it to chat GBT to criticize. What an incredible glowing and complimentary report it gave me. I sent it to my bro and he was astounded. It also added a little advice
My brother has been writing his memoirs and he sent me a draft. I copied the first page and gave it to chat GBT to criticize. What an incredible glowing and complimentary report it gave me. I sent it to my bro and he was astounded. It also added a little advice
Memoirs? Is he someone famous?
Memoirs? Is he someone famous?
Not at all but he has an interesting life and he is able to write it in a very personal and humorous way. It is not something he expects will sell except to family. Since I helped him with the digital stuff I get a free copy lol.... I am sure all my bros and sis will get a copy free also.

He was in France for his third year of college where he ended up getting arrested because he was watching the rioters back in 1969 or so. He was very political in those days as many of us were.
I thought it had to do with the enormous amount of energy that it took to do this in a big scale.

This is a year old, so it might have shifted somewhat.

I was at the Illinois School Board Conference with my wife, who is a board member, and sat in on a session on AI.
The presenter asked ChatCBT some questions related to education. It came back with some very detailed information and even had citations...the only issue was that none of the citations were real. When he got the paid version and asked the same things, he again got back detailed information, but this time with real citations.