Using distributors worth it?

I would say there is just about always room to ask for a better price. I admit I don't do it enough, but every time I have reached out to my sales guy and complain that a price seemed high he lowered it.
Pick and choose.
I let them know, or the list was big enough they knew I would be shopping. Haggling over a bag of wire nuts is a waste of time. A barrel, not so much.
My distributor, Schaedler-Yesco, has saved the day many times. Have had projects that involved other contractors, the customer changing his mind constantly, expected control panels being delayed, and the boss sending whoever he chose for the next day. I would take my best guess at 3:00, call my buddy Larry (another story...) and the next morning I had what I needed, delivered on site, for at least how things were expected THAT day. Even when I was not in his local area. AND there are some things I just aren't familiar with. Big Box Store answers wouldn't help.

It also helps that the particular store is between me and the shop!