Using rod for for Neutral

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Sorry... so just re-looked at it, so there is a neutral from the utility service to the ground rod. Does this mean no code violations with my ground and neutral also tied in.

It depends on who owns the poles. If they are under the control of the utility then it would be their decision. I think the best course of action is to get a 240V beacon.
overcurrent protection.... there is a fuse inside the first box after the utility service.

the beacons is to warn vehicles when a certain street is closed.
No "suitable for use as service equipment" disconnecting means though?

Hand hole you are describing is likely a splice box on the utility side of things? If so why are you even running anything to there if not involved with installing a new service? You are supposed to have the grounded conductor at the service disconnecting means.
re-read your OP, apparently you were increasing the size of the service entrance conductors because of specifications is why you were in the utility splice box?

You shouldn't need separate neutral and ground between splice box and service disconnect BTW.
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