(B) Not Covered. This Code does not cover the following:
(1) Installations in ships, watercraft other than floating buildings,
railway rolling stock, aircraft, or automotive vehicles
other than mobile homes and recreational vehicles
Informational Note: Although the scope of this Code indicates
that the Code does not cover installations in ships,
portions of this Code are incorporated by reference into
Title 46, Code of Federal Regulations, Parts 110–113.
(2) Installations underground in mines and self-propelled
mobile surface mining machinery and its attendant
electrical trailing cable
(3) Installations of railways for generation, transformation,
transmission, or distribution of power used exclusively
for operation of rolling stock or installations used exclusively
for signaling and communications purposes
(4) Installations of communications equipment under the
exclusive control of communications utilities located
outdoors or in building spaces used exclusively for
such installations
(5) Installations under the exclusive control of an electric
utility where such installations
a. Consist of service drops or service laterals, and associated
metering, or
b. Are on property owned or leased by the electric
utility for the purpose of communications, metering,
generation, control, transformation, transmission, or
distribution of electric energy, or......