IN PA i know alot of the PECO designers but out here in FL it is different i don't know anyone. Does anyone know how FPL rates there underground cables? Like the ampacity of the utility service 4/0 al. they don't use the NEC tables they go by there own i beleive same as utility back home.
I am not sure exactly what, or why you are asking, but in my 10 years experience in Florida, it is a little odd, at least compared to California. The customer, so ultimately the Electrical Contractor installs the secondary conductors and they are sized by the customer Electrical Engineer on commercial projects. I have never seen a set of secondaries sized for anything but the service disconnect size and table 315 of the NEC. And as an estimator, I see over 100 sets of plans a year. For residential, the POCO's I have interfaced with (which is rare, because I have a voluntary allergy to Romex
) size and pull the conductors for underground and overhead, both. Which defaults to the other answers you have received.