Va Master's Test

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Thanks again fellas, i've been studting the calculations pretty hard. I definitely aprreciate you guys taking the time to help out a fellow electrician!
You know, it seems like everything is a money making thing nowadays. I paid $90 to DPOR to take the test. Now it seems as if that was only an "Application Fee" and now I have to pay PSI $90 to take the exam. I thought they already got enough of our money!
I guess I was showing my age there(31). I've heard stories from guys who've been in the field for a lot longer who talk about lifelong cards. I can only imagine how they feel!:mad:
Va. Test

Va. Test

I live in Va. Beach, but has been years since i've taken the test. the test was 50 questions. and it was on the 78 code. Check with the Richmond inspections office and talk to Paul Abernathy, I'm sure he can tell you what you need. Good Luck:):)
Thanks again to all who have given advice! I called PSI and the test is 80 questions based on the 2005 code. They list a few books in which the test comes from, but they say you can bring in reference materials. I'm going to take in a few materials, such as a code book, ugly book, and a handbook and let them tell me if I can't use them.
Thanks again to all who have given advice! I called PSI and the test is 80 questions based on the 2005 code. They list a few books in which the test comes from, but they say you can bring in reference materials. I'm going to take in a few materials, such as a code book, ugly book, and a handbook and let them tell me if I can't use them.

I would suggest that YOU know what is, and is not allowed. I have taken many of these exams, and I can't tell you how many times I've shown up on test day with my code book and been informed that I can't take it in. I have to point out to the staff that it is allowed, and they need to recheck or call their supervisor. After ME informing them that it is allowed and they verify, I am allowed to test with the book. These testing agencies are testing so many different subjects at the same time (not just electrical), they can't possibly know what is and is not allowed without refering to the same reference sheet that is available to you. Again, know exactly what you can bring in, tabbed and highlighted, and be prepared to challenge the staff at the testing center if necessary.
Thanks for the insight! I've looked through all the guidelines from the testing site, and none of which say the materials I listed weren't allowed. It says that reference materials would not be provided and that I should bring my own. When I called them, the lady on the phone wasn't exactly sure as to what was allowed and what wasn't. My thing is this, if they say that I can bring in my own reference material and do not list what books are not allowed, I'm assuming I can use the books I brought. Am I wrong for thinking this?
WW.- You're right, the PSI candidate bulletin is confusing on what is allowed. From the one sentence I have cut and pasted below, it appears that you can only use the listed references.

"The reference material listed below was used to prepare the
questions for this examination. The examination may also
contain questions based on trade knowledge or general
industry practices. Except for Code books, you can use later
editions of references as they become available
. For Code
questions, the examination will be based only on the edition
of the Code book that is listed. No loose papers or unbound references are permitted. If you download a reference from the Internet, it must be spiral
bound or hole-punched and placed in a binder, or stapled in
the left hand corner."

National Electrical Code, NFPA 70, 2005, National Fire
Protection Association, 1 Batterymarch, Quincy, MA
02269-9101, (617) 770-3000,
�� American Electrician's Handbook , 14th Ed, Croft &
Summers, ISBN 0-07-137735-2
�� National Fire Protection Association, 11 Tracy Drive,
Avon, MA 02322; 1-800-344-3555;
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