Vacation time

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LarryFine said:
I haven't. Work is too much fun to not have fun doing it.

Never said I didn't have fun. I used to hate Fridays and looked forward to Mondays. I don't have that kind of energy anymore, but I still love what I do.
Vacation Time

Vacation Time

Self employed or not everyone needs some time off
I don't go anywhere now days but I do have my time off
I have a place that I enjoy with all my horses and other animals and it seems like I take vacation every time I go down my driveway
Took years to build up my business that way but I enjoy it
Everyone needs time off to enjoy something
Working all the time makes Jack a dull boy
Enjoying my work and life at the age of 59
Semper Fi Buddy
I'm one of the lucky people who doesn't see the need or value in taking vacations. I really love running my business and look forward to doing it every day. I work Saturday and quite often Sundays as well because it's what I enjoy doing. I've got relatives and friends who think I need to "get a life"; well I've got a life and I enjoy it every day.

I do take time out when the urge hits during the day to stop and chat with a friend or do a good deed or have a long lunch out but that's about all I can stand. I don't like crowds, I don't care for team sports or golf, and luring a poor fish into biting a hook just so I can traumatize it by yanking it out of it's environment to watch it suffocate to death does not excite me either.

I like to run my little company and have enjoyed doing just that for over 30 years. When we do go on a vacation it takes me a week of total stress just to rev up for it and another week of stress to put it all back in order when I return. I dread it every time.
bkludecke said:
I'm one of the lucky people who doesn't see the need or value in taking vacations. I really love running my business and look forward to doing it every day. I work Saturday and quite often Sundays as well because it's what I enjoy doing. I've got relatives and friends who think I need to "get a life"; well I've got a life and I enjoy it every day.

I do take time out when the urge hits during the day to stop and chat with a friend or do a good deed or have a long lunch out but that's about all I can stand. I don't like crowds, I don't care for team sports or golf, and luring a poor fish into biting a hook just so I can traumatize it by yanking it out of it's environment to watch it suffocate to death does not excite me either.

I like to run my little company and have enjoyed doing just that for over 30 years. When we do go on a vacation it takes me a week of total stress just to rev up for it and another week of stress to put it all back in order when I return. I dread it every time.
I agree with and feel the same about most of what you just said Bob. I don't like crowds of people, don't care for golf, I don't like big game fishing but every once in a while I enjoy fishing in small bodies of water (catch and release) and start feeling stressed out if something has been planned and it is coming up, I don't like travelling very much, I like taking a day or so off from work and just lounging around the house or doing work around the house.
Speaking of vacation, I'll see you guys in a couple of weeks. Going to Denver to see the new granddaughter. Hope the weather's good George.

I like Bob's idea though of just taking time to stop and talk to an old friend or take a long lunch once in awhile. When workers are pushed to produce 40 solid hours a week, they tend to not feel bad about taking time off, but if the works getting done and on time, I think a little slack time is good.
need a break

need a break

Everyone needs a break! Americans take way less time off than many other countries!! I don't care how well things are going. if you do not relax from time to time, you will burn out!:smile:
I m pretty much the class A personality, that some people dread, my partners a Friday or two in the summer and a few weeks a year, I have gone years without a vacation, and as of lately take a week vacation and a day here or there. I could take the time just always seem to schedule work. Though I am training an assistant. I am no worse for it and do not feel like I have missed anything.
H e l l yes. I work hard so I can go away with my wife several times a year. I get a real kick out of some of these old timers that think not taking a vacation is like wearing some kind of merit badge. What is life without your free time to do what you like.
I might not go away for three to four weeks at a time like I would like to but I make sure that we go on a least one real nice vacation like a cruise or to Europe and we'll go on a few looong weekend vacations during the year and/ or a week to Florida to see the In laws.
I beileve that in Europe the standard is 6 weeks vacation for most Employees. What the hell is wrong with us in this country????? We are a bunch of slave drivers expecting our employees to bust their asses for one or two lousey weeks a year and then we try to figure out why they call out or have bad attitudes.
This will make some of you guys laugh. This Christmass we went on a 10 day cruise and in February we went to Florida for 5 days and than again for 9 days in June. Oh and we are going to Colorado for 5 days in Sept. Love and Live life to its fullest cause in the end we are all worm food.
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brian john said:
I m pretty much the class A personality, that some people dread, my partners a Friday or two in the summer and a few weeks a year, I have gone years without a vacation, and as of lately take a week vacation and a day here or there. I could take the time just always seem to schedule work. Though I am training an assistant. I am no worse for it and do not feel like I have missed anything.
type A personality is not necessarily a good thing! I have a sister in law that has" Type A per" on her license plate. And almost everyone that is around her for too long wants to strangle her due to her overbearingness and in your face attitude. Not to mention that she thinks she knows everything. Maybe for some reason you dont think you deserve time off? Or maybe you just dont know how to have fun..
Until 4 years ago I never took much time off. An occasional 3 day weekend. This year I am taking 3 full weeks, and several 4 day weekends. Plus whatever else I can sneak. I've found that any time I say to a customer " I'm on vacation next week" they treat me like royalty. They know that it is necessary and valuable. But if I told them "I can't do your job next week because I am working for ABC GC." then it would be unacceptable. Go figure.

I also know that with all the time off I take, I still average over 40 hours a week. And that doesn't count the time I put in inspecting.
Been on my own for about five and a half years. The second year I was in business for myself my wife, daughter and I drove across halfway across the country for two weeks to see my family in Western Mass. When I got back some one gave me a hard time for leaving for two weeks. Then in Feb of 2005 my daughter and I flew out on a four day weekend to see my folks and celebrate my Dad's 80th birthday. When I got back someone else gave me a hard time for leaving for an extended weekend. Thought about what those two people said to me, and from then on allways felt guilty and never took time off to go back to Western Mass until the first of May this year for a long weekend and my God daughter's wedding. I got to see my Dad and visited my Mom in the nursing home and in the hospital. Twenty days later my mother died suddenly of advanced stages of cancer. Drove out immeadiately following my Mom's passing for about ten days filled with a wake and funeral. Moral of the Story take time to see the important one's in your life. Don't ever let anyone make you feel that you are not worthy of time off. Was man made for the sabbath or was the Sabbath made for man?
IrishRugger said:
Been on my own for about five and a half years. The second year I was in business for myself my wife, daughter and I drove across halfway across the country for two weeks to see my family in Western Mass. When I got back some one gave me a hard time for leaving for two weeks. Then in Feb of 2005 my daughter and I flew out on a four day weekend to see my folks and celebrate my Dad's 80th birthday. When I got back someone else gave me a hard time for leaving for an extended weekend. Thought about what those two people said to me, and from then on allways felt guilty and never took time off to go back to Western Mass until the first of May this year for a long weekend and my God daughter's wedding. I got to see my Dad and visited my Mom in the nursing home and in the hospital. Twenty days later my mother died suddenly of advanced stages of cancer. Drove out immeadiately following my Mom's passing for about ten days filled with a wake and funeral. Moral of the Story take time to see the important one's in your life. Don't ever let anyone make you feel that you are not worthy of time off. Was man made for the sabbath or was the Sabbath made for man?

sorry that you've had those experiences. I can honestly say that everyone I deal with reacts exactly the opposite when I'm away. I wish I knew that 15 years ago.
Another thing. If I drop dead tomorrow, I have the utmost confidence that every one of my contractors will find another electricain the same day.
Drove to Buffalo for a one hour meeting and back. Man central PA is Desolate and incredibly beautiful. I'd go there on a vacation any day.
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