Vehicle signage

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I live in a large metro area and spen way too much time behind the wheel. My office gets 2 or 3 calls a year in regards to my driving. I always tell the office to forward the calls to my cell phone but they know better.

The calls are usually from some clown driving 5 miles under the speed limit in the fast lane. Drive an appropriate speed in the proper lane and I'm happy as hell. If you clog up traffic by paralleling slower traffic, never look in your rear view mirror and refuse to consider anyone else on the road, I will let you know my opinion.
Just a suggestion...

Just a suggestion...

I do logos, signs and vehicle graphics as a part time business mostly for other contractors. Because I'm interested in it, I pay attention to what other designers are doing. When it comes to wraps, I recommend that you really scrutinize the design, since there's a strong tendency to load them up with images and text to the point that it's hard to remember (or even see) the company name and what they do.

Before signing anything, take a week or two to really look at other trucks from companies, utilities, whatever and see what you think works and make notes. Try to catch the names as they come at you on a road, as you drive by a parked vehicle as well as alongside them on the highway. How easy is it to find the company name, phone number and what they do? Why is it easy/difficult? Is there enough contrast and is the size right for people in your target group to be able to read the sign?

I believe that signage is a good thing, but I think good signage is a great thing for business. It's worth investing in a little homework before you pull the trigger :)
The signs on trucks may not always result directly in calls, but will keep your name familiar and fresh on their minds. It's some of the cheapest advertising available.
Just one more caution about lettering. Many years ago I was working for a company and driving their lettered truck. When I got back to the shop at the end of the day my boss handed me a slip of paper from the answering service they used. It said something to the effect of "I saw one of your trucks on [particular area of particular highway] this morning doing between 75 and 80. Just thought you'd like to know." I was the only person in that area at that time so I was cold busted. (For the record I wasn't driving aggresively, just fast in the left lane). And this was in the days before cell phones were so prevalent so someone actually wrote the number down and made the call when they got home. Make sure that you and your guys know that if they're driving a billboard that they need be Ward Cleaver on the road.
Yeep - I have been busted that way too.... 220 - you'll like this...

However - years ago - a boss of mine and I were on the freeway and his cell-phone rang. Forwarded from the office number that was on the truck... [on speaker phone - WAY before it was required by law...]

Lady on phone: "Hi - I'm just calling to report erratic driving by one of you delivery drivers..."

Boss: "Delivery driver?"

Lady: "Yes - one of your trucks almost killed me... I'm looking at the license right now...."

Boss: "Are you right there next to me on 880?"

Lady: "uhhh..."

Boss: "Yep - that is you... (descibes car) You know, you should probably use a directional and use your mirrors in the very least before changing lanes into the side of a 1 ton van. I only have a few choices in situation like that, let you hit me, honk - like I did, or drive into the guard rail. You should be more carefull."

Lady: "Uhh...." click....
I was in a mall doing a fire-suppression rewire, when I got a call from an annoyed woman complaining about me parking with my front bumper pressing against hers.

I asked her if she was still parked there, she was, and I asked her to look at how far her bumper was on my side of the line (almost a foot.) I noted it when I parked.

"Well, you still shouldn't park against someone else's car!" and hung up. How dare I point out it was her fault? What was I thinking? I saved her number just in case.
On the signage notes: I'm not looking into 'wraps' for a few reasons.
  • Expensive!
  • Hard not to be gaudy...
  • The construction parking permit office only requires 1.5" lettering permanently adhered... ($600 - no meter payments downtown, and all day residential parking) I talked to the guy at that office, and he says he'll accept anything but a magnetic sign... However, I have heard from one guy who was refused because the 'wrap' could be removed, said he had to cut open an area and use letters... And I have also noticed other wrapped trucks that have plain jane lettering under the wrap...
I have looked into vinyl lettering. Some of the places here I have talked to have a wide range... $300 for some small letering on both sides, and $700 for medium sized once all the "artwork" is laid out and proofed....

I also looked at some on-line DYI sites which offer some sizable stuff at more than competitive pricing - I think I might be leaning that way... Only because I feel comfortable doing it myself.

You fill in your info, design the sign it - it prices it, approve the order... Get it in the mail... I have gotten magnetic signs that way before that were great. (But I have to change contact info on them... Haven't had them on in years.)
I also looked at some on-line DYI sites which offer some sizable stuff at more than competitive pricing - I think I might be leaning that way... Only because I feel comfortable doing it myself.

You fill in your info, design the sign it - it prices it, approve the order... Get it in the mail... I have gotten magnetic signs that way before that were great. (But I have to change contact info on them... Haven't had them on in years.)

That link is actually really decent for a DIYer! They have a newer version that includes more vehicles from after 2005 here:
I live in a large metro area and spen way too much time behind the wheel. My office gets 2 or 3 calls a year in regards to my driving. I always tell the office to forward the calls to my cell phone but they know better.

The calls are usually from some clown driving 5 miles under the speed limit in the fast lane. Drive an appropriate speed in the proper lane and I'm happy as hell. If you clog up traffic by paralleling slower traffic, never look in your rear view mirror and refuse to consider anyone else on the road, I will let you know my opinion.

It's always the other guy. :D
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