Vehicle Wraps

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Have you ever seen a Mr. Electric van? Dead simple...... bright yellow van with a name and phone number, and the website address at the bottom.

I used to drive one. It works. People would see me next door and call. People would pass me on the road and call the office. People would literally flag me down on the highway to ask if I could come out that day. Sometimes they would ask what I charged per kWh

There was nothing on the van about what I did specifically other than that there was an electrician inside it...

Hmmm, Yellow. I imagine a Penske van when I see Yellow, but a bright colored truck seems to make sense. Going to ask if we can A/B test this.

With a name like "EL ELECTRICIAN" I would expect it to also say "Se habla Espanol". :)

Lock out, Tag out

It's tagged out.

I always think of it as an "and" function, not "or", although I realize OSHA will accept either. If every Tom, Dick, and Harry has access to a panel with a circuit I'm working on, my lock out is going on it or I'm going fishing.
I always think of it as an "and" function, not "or", although I realize OSHA will accept either. If every Tom, Dick, and Harry has access to a panel with a circuit I'm working on, my lock out is going on it or I'm going fishing.

Well, in this case I'm more worried about Tomas, Diego, and Jesus since they ignore the sign more than the English speaking tradesmen. (That's why Spanish is on top.) The individual circuit breaker locks don't hold well and I usually have more than one turned off. I have to rely on the kindness of strangers.
Well, in this case I'm more worried about Tomas, Diego, and Jesus since they ignore the sign more than the English speaking tradesmen. (That's why Spanish is on top.) The individual circuit breaker locks don't hold well and I usually have more than one turned off. I have to rely on the kindness of strangers.

Well, that's what these are for:

It's a little busy as far as I am concerned. Too cute for my taste. I guess I prefer ads to be a little simpler and easier to read.

I prefer something I can see and digest in one longish glance, not something I have to look at and think about while I am trying to drive.

I feel the same way about billboards.

The simpler the better as far as I am concerned.

And make the damn characters big enough for me to read. Can't say how many work trucks I see with tiny signs and even tiny lettering that I can't read from more than about 15 feet away. Seems hardly worth the effort if people can't read the sign unless they are right up on you.
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