Very short PVC as chase?

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New member
Spokane, WA
I am working on my mobile home adding an outdoor GFI to the exterior of the home. Here is my setup...




Now that we have the parts listed out I am coming out the back of the box with a 3/4 pvc (conduit) male adapter then a piece of 3/4" conduit about 5" long to extend into the space behind the wall and cut flush with the interior wall just below the breaker panel.


(Note in the above image I have labeled the breakers themselves and this is just till the cover is placed and I create the panel labels inside. Also each Hot leg is now labeled with my label printer on the inside of the panel.)

Now on the left side of the panel cavity about 4" below the panel is where my conduit stub will be. I plan to leave the conduit stub and enter the panel from the bottom of the panel using one of the KO slots. Secure the NM to the back wall and secure to panel with a lock collar . If what I understand to be true the 12-2 w/G going thru that short stub makes that a "chase" not a conduit run and therefore making it legal. The photos are actual items I have purchased including the WR GFCi rated for 20A. Are my understandings of the code correct?

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