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As it happens, I had our local Moeller (might be Klockner-Moeller in NA) rep come to see me today. A guy I'd known from from previous contact in different businesses.
There ought to be synergy between the businesses. We buy quite a lot of electrical control gear that Moeller could supply. Thermal and magnetic overloads, contactors, soft starts, VSDs and a lot more besides that we could use. And we are encouraged to buy internally. Pricing ought to be competitive with inter-company trading.

He'll get a shot at the next project.

A bit off-topic, I know.
Now both of you working for the same parent:). K-M was quite the revolutionary in product development, they always impressed me with their innovativeness and quality. Plug-together starter, micro-controller, PLC, transparent IP65 gear, OL integrated into the MCP, and so an and so forth....
Now both of you working for the same parent:). K-M was quite the revolutionary in product development, they always impressed me with their innovativeness and quality. Plug-together starter, micro-controller, PLC, transparent IP65 gear, OL integrated into the MCP, and so an and so forth....
Perceptive as ever, young fellow.

I gave the guy a couple of lists of kit that we buy and with prices.
It isn't something I'd normally do with sales guys but if he is on side with us he at least ought to have a shot at at.

Time will tell.
AB does not have bi-metallic overload relays for NEMA starters, but http://ab.rockwellautomation.com/Ci...n/Motor-Protection/193CT-193T1-Overload-Relay, whic certainly can be used for this application.

Oops, I forget about IEC products. My NEMA brainwashing goes back a loooong way...

Odd convergence of concepts here for me. When I left AB back when it was still AB and not yet Rockwell, I went to work for... Klockner Moeller. My first week on the job as an Ap Eng, my boss took me aside and said that he was going to "deprogram me from the NEMA brainwashing" I had received at the hands of AB. I guess it didn't really work, 30 years later and I still have it...

Side note to the side note, K-M is now gone in the US, they were bought by Eaton and the products rolled into that product offering. The old Moeller organization may still exist, but it's more like a distributor now.
Oops, I forget about IEC products. My NEMA brainwashing goes back a loooong way...

Odd convergence of concepts here for me. When I left AB back when it was still AB and not yet Rockwell, I went to work for... Klockner Moeller. My first week on the job as an Ap Eng, my boss took me aside and said that he was going to "deprogram me from the NEMA brainwashing" I had received at the hands of AB. I guess it didn't really work, 30 years later and I still have it...

Side note to the side note, K-M is now gone in the US, they were bought by Eaton and the products rolled into that product offering. The old Moeller organization may still exist, but it's more like a distributor now.

Sad, I really liked their products. I bought two of their MCC line-ups and they built custom heat tracing panels for me in NJ, eons ago, that plant was demolished within 10 years afterward.
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