vfd problems

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thanks for the input weressl,
i suggested we use a fiber cable tray but "hurricane proofing" seems to take precedence. this treatment plant has 2 aerotor basins, each with two drive units. each basin is controlled by one dissolved oxygen meter/transmitter, so one drive here wouldn't be in "their" scope. the altivar drives were installed in the existing elevated blower room for "hurricane" protection. the engineers were on the right track; and when i suggested we move the drives to the catwalk of the basins they looked at me like i was crazy. so were just going to wait for the powers that be to come up with a solution. im just soaking all of this in and putting the data and research in my records for future use as a master/contractor.


Well, you can get NEMA 4X rated drive enclosures and pipe purge air to them and mount it on the catwalk regardless how those folks stare at you. So it seems that you can have two 15HP or gretaer drives, each running two motors.
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