At 90Hz the motor speed would be about 2700 rpm, not 5400.
Cage motors are fairly robust. I have routinely run 50Hz machines at 80Hz with no adverse effects. Ptonsparky has had a figure of three times rated frequency and that doesn't altogether surprise me but that's information you'd need to get from the motor manufacturer.
First, a couple of points.
Power is speed times torque. This is a simple but quite fundamental and important relationship.
For normal operation of an induction motor, speed is proportional to frequency to a close approximation.
Assume that the motor is rated for 460V at 60Hz. Base speed.
At up to 60Hz with constant v/f ratio, (0-460V, 0-60Hz) the motor can produce rated torque at any speed. This is known as the constant torque region of operation. Because power is speed times torque, the available power varies with speed. Half speed is half power.
Above 60Hz, the voltage stays the same and the v/f ratio reduces as you already pointed out. The motor available torque reduces in proportion as the frequency (and speed) increases. In this mode, you get less torque and more speed. Twice the speed gives you half the torque. Again note that power is speed times torque. So, twice the speed and half the torque gives you the same power. This is known as the constant power region.